
FAQs Shipping

Shipping Shipping options Are shipping times guaranteed? Can I choose a delivery date and time? Are orders tracked? My order hasn’t arrived About My Account Order Help Payments Back to FAQs Shipping options​ Important Note: Orders placed after 09:00 GMT on a Friday will not be shipped until the Monday. United Kingdom Next Day – …

FAQs Payments

Payments What currencies do you accept? Are my payment details saved? About My Account Order Help Shipping Back to FAQs What currencies do you accept?​ We accept payment in GBP, USD and EUR. You can select the paying currency in the Click! Calendar app. If you are paying with a debit/credit card from a country …

FAQs About

About About Click! About the Founder Can I order on the website? Where can I download the app? Do I need the app to scan the QR codes? Is the app available on all devices? My Account Order Help Payments Shipping Back to FAQs About Click! The Click! Calendar is the new interactive gift that …